Hello book friends!
Raven's Bookish Network proundly presents Zeus by Carly Spade, a contemporary Mythos novel. This is spicy romance between rivals, driven by lust and hunger for power. The book was released on April 25th, 2022.
About the book:

A god-king disguised as a criminal defense lawyer...
Zeus/Zane, King of the Greek gods, holds the world in his palm in both his mortal and godly form… until Hera leaves him, forcing him to uphold Gaea's clause: There must always be a Queen, or he loses his title and part of his power along with it. Time is short. Too bad the one woman he has his sights on wants nothing to do with him. Or does she?
An empath criminal prosecutor...
There's nothing Keira Bazin dislikes more than defense lawyers. So when she discovers Zane Vronti, one of New York's finest, has been brought in on her newest murder case, it's anything but good news. Tensions flare as the two immediately butt heads, but there's something about Zane she can't put her finger on. His emotions are the strongest she's ever felt --borderline overwhelming. Power. Lust. Command. Can she fight her growing attraction for him? Does she want to?

On the outside, Keira was professional, orderly, put together. On the inside, she was broken, intriguing, and kept an absolute freak buried deep. And I fucking dug it. All of it. Yesterday convinced me of my worst fears—no other woman would do. It had to be her. Keira. My history spoke for itself—when the King of the Gods desired something or someone, it was rare it didn’t come to fruition.
“Are we just going to sit here, or are we going to fuck? Is this really what you brought me up here for?” the raven-haired woman with topaz eyes asked, sitting in a frump in the chair across from me.
I sat with my forearms resting on my knees, hands steepled as I eyed my deluxe rotating Scrabble board, the faux ivory letters staring back at me, waiting for me to spell a damn word.
Did I think having Keira see a parade of women waltz from my apartment building every night would make her jealous? I hadn’t a fucking clue what made that woman tick, but I’d pull every damn card I could.

Once I was near the courthouse, I made myself invisible so no one would see me walk into her office. I could be an outright bastard, but she’d never forgive me if I sullied her reputation. Still hidden from everyone else’s view but Keira’s, I slowly opened her office door, only to find her sitting on the front of her desk, leaning back, her knees ever so slightly apart, peeking out from her pencil skirt. She slowly turned her head to look at me, surprise traveling over her face like melting wax.
“I got this peculiar feeling that you—” I closed the door with an audible click but didn’t lock it, showing her she was free to go at any point. “—needed something from me.” I’d made my voice extra husky.
“How could you possibly know that?” She unbuttoned two buttons of her dress shirt and pinched her knees together, sliding her heels back.
She didn’t deny she needed me. Mm.
“Intuition? Magic?” I took several steps forward, testing if she’d stop me or run away. “Does it matter?”
She shook her head, her chest rising and falling with quickened breaths the closer I got.

The suit jacket shifted as her shoulders tensed beneath the fabric. “You don’t want to have a seat, Mr. Vronti?”
“I’m fine right here.” I patted the glass table. “And please. It’s Zane.” Flashing as charming of a grin as I could manage without spraining something, I gauged her reaction.
She undid the top button of her purple blouse and re-buttoned it. “I assume you have evidence you propose to dismiss, Mr. Vronti?”
This. Woman.
“That confident, hm? No plea deal?” I plucked a pen from the holder in the center of the table and twirled it between my fingers.
Olivia’s gaze fell to my hand, and her palms flattened on the table.
“Not a chance.” Keira flipped the folder open. “Evidence you wish to challenge?”
For the love of me, give me something.

It was time to don the mask. A façade forged through the ages that mortals molded and adapted to fit their own needs. Their own agenda. Same old song and dance. It’d become as much a part of me as the warmth of a perfectly aged scotch settling in my stomach. Could I have taken the time to convince a world there was more to me than the endless parade of women? More than the meddling god-king who cared for nothing or no one else but himself? Sure. But I had an entire fucking kingdom to oversee. Hundreds of gods beneath me and seemingly more even within the last few months. We’ll get to that tiny detail later. There were far more pressing matters to deal with over a reputation I’ve grown to accept. If it gave them comfort to hate me, I’d be their sounding board because I’m a leader. The alpha. A godsdamned admiral.

Q&A with author Carly Spade & @dd_wonderland_of_books
Q: Which of the books in the series was your favorite to write?
A: Eros was super fun to write because I decided to go full blown rom-com, a genre I've been a fan of, specifically from the 90s and early 00s, and I've always wanted to write a story with the same feel. Plus, setting a book in Scotland has also been on my list to write and this made for the perfect excuse! Zeus was also my first full dual POV and digging into the King of the Gods' psyche was an interesting and fulfilling experience.
Q: What was the inspiration behind the lawyer/Zeus story? (Why the law world?)
A: I knew going in Zeus's book would need to be passionate and with a heroine that could challenge him as well as intrigue him. With Zeus not only being King of the Gods and god of the sky, he's also a god of justice. Considering all those factors, a lawyer romance just made sense.
Q: What is your favorite scene from the book?
A: There's a scene with Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus all in the same space which is the first and only time it's happened in the series that I adored. But outside of that, I took up the banter to another level in Zeus as well as the steam, and both were super fun to explore.
Q: What did you do after the book was released? (Celebrate? Wait for the reactions? Go on vacation?…)
A: Any more I've learned to distance myself as much as possible when I release a book and concentrate on spending time with my doggies and hubs. A sort of, "Well, it's out in the wild now, let the chips fall where they may." I do, of course, check in on things after a while and continue to promote but try not to be too hyper-focused on it. I also purchased a bottle of Crown Royal XO whiskey in honor of this being the King finally released. ;)
Q: In the end you write that we might hear more of the gods, does this mean that there will be a next book?
A: Stay tuned indeed! I can't specify what exactly is cooking right now, but I will be making an announcement sometime this fall!
About the Author:

An adult romance writer who has been writing since she could pick up a pencil. After the insanity of obtaining a bachelor’s and master’s degree in cybersecurity, creating worlds to escape to still ate at her very soul. She started writing FanFiction (which can still be found if you scour the internet), and soon felt the need to get her original ideas on paper. And so the adventure began.
She lives in Colorado with her husband and two fur babies, and revels in an enemies to lovers trope with a slow burn.
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