Hello bookdragons!
Raven's Bookish Network proudly presents The Genesis Of Seven & The Revelation Of Three by Sara M. Schaller, the first and second installment in The Empyrean Trilogy, a YA, fantasy series about the neverending battle between good and evil! The books were published on July 7th, 2020 and August 3rd, 2021 respectively by Designs by Seraphim.
About the book:

Eighteen-year-old Jordan Conway has always wanted to help people, but helping seven archangels to achieve their divine duty was never quite what he had in mind… When Jordan is entrusted by the head nun of his orphanage to deliver a mysterious backpack to a New York City address, he comes unexpectedly face-to-face with Archangel Gabriel. Their acquaintance fast uncovers a labyrinth of secrets that connect Jordan’s once-normal life to an ancient heavenly prophecy. Now, he must help Gabriel to reunite the archangels before evil forces grow too strong. Soon, Jordan and Gabriel find themselves on a divine quest across the globe, while deep in the pits of Hell, Satan plots his return to earth. To gain control, however, Satan needs the powerful prophetic objects locked safe inside Jordan’s backpack—and the devil will stop at nothing to get what he wants. With that notion threatening his only family and the safety of his newfound friends, Jordan must do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves and help the archangels succeed. If that means sacrificing all he thought he knew to go to war with the devil himself? Bring it on.
First, let's take a look at the amazing photos of The Genesis Of Seven our hosts provided!
Click HERE to go directly to The Revelation Of Three.
Day 1

"An action-packed story with memorable characters and rich worldbuilding. A unique on the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil that you don't want to miss."
Day 2

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Those were the words Dante faced when he entered Hell. Perhaps if they were posted above the subway this afternoon, I would have proceeded with the same caution.
The New York subway system was a strange and peculiar place. An underground metropolis full of noise and activity, where anything and everything occurred. I liked to compare it to the Underworld as I imagined it worked in much the same way, with spirits being ferried across the River Styx like people being transported through the city. Yet the main difference between Hell and the subway was all those who entered typically resurfaced every day, sometimes multiple times a day, without being scathed.
Unlike me, whose life would be forever changed by the simple act of bumping shoulders.
Day 3

As the last bird took to the sky, I released a deep breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Gabriel’s frown conveyed these messages did not contain good sentiments.
“What do they say?” He raised his head and looked at me. “They’re not coming.”
Day 4

“Run!” Sister Helen shouted. Somehow, my body obliged. My legs carried me down the alleyway, past dumpsters and trashcans. At the street, I stopped briefly to figure out where to go next. I glanced at the paper and realized I had a bit of distance to cover. The address was near Central Park, but the orphanage was in the opposite direction. In fact, the orphanage wasn’t even in Manhattan. There wasn’t time to figure out a route though. At the sound of running footsteps, I looked over my shoulder and saw two men dressed in black fast approaching. @bookishaurora
Day 5

Author Q&A with author Sara M Schaller & @celiamcmahonreads
Q: What was your inspiration for The Genesis of Seven?
A: Two of the biggest inspirations for The Genesis of Seven are literature and art. I studied both in college and those studies introduced me to Dante’s Divine Comedy, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and William Blake and Gustave Dore’s artwork. All of these have significant impacts on my writing, particularly for this series and how I wish to portray my story and characters.
Q: How did the first draft differ from your final draft?
A: My first drafts are always drastically different than my final drafts. With The Genesis of Seven, the first draft actually started at a completely different part of the book, so a lot of rearranging of plot points happens.
Q: Most writers struggle with their sequels, so how did you manage the "sophomore slump?"
A: Actually, I’m surprised I survived the “sophomore slump” because there were many times when I thought I would never finish book two. I guess a lot of dedication, determination, and perseverance is how I managed it. The second book pushed me to my limits as a writer both physically and mentally and I think the only way I got through it was having a supportive family around me who cheered me on and let me cry on their shoulder.
Q: What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
A: I would say the drafting part is the most difficult, more specifically the first draft, because it’s hard to get all the nitty-gritty details in the story on the first go around. It takes a lot of layering and editing to include all the intricate plot points and this can be frustrating at times when it doesn’t come right away.
Q: What was the hardest scene to write?
A: There are two that come to mind, but they’re difficult in varying ways. One scene I wrote between Michael and Satan was emotionally difficult to write because it’s a real crushing scene where some secrets are finally revealed. The other was the creation of Hell and this was difficult because it pushed my abilities as a writer and really forced me to visualize my world so that I could convey it to the reader.
Q: What other popular books would you compare your books to?
A: The one popular book I always compare my books to is the Shadowhunters series by Cassandra Clare. Another one that is less known but that I dearly adore is Angelology by Danielle Trussoni.
Q: What is one thing you want your readers to learn from your stories?
A: I want readers to learn about the angels and be introduced to them in a way they have never seen. I include a lot of angel lore in my books and I want readers to realize the stories they know about angels are not what they think.
Q: What's next for you?
A: I am currently working on the last book in the series, and I’m planning for it to release next year.
Time to continue the journey with The Revelation Of Three!
Day 6

He thought he was prepared to go to war with the Devil, but what if Satan’s not his true enemy?
Ever since the Devil donned a powerful amulet that allows him to walk the Earth, he has grown weaker—and so has his authority. As a result, mutiny is rising in Hell, and the Devil must fight to remain the king of the underworld. Little does he know, there is much more at stake than his title.
After the death of the nun who raised him and his best friend, Jordan Conway cannot think of anything but finding Sophia and keeping her safe. Luckily, he has a team of archangels on his side, and with their help, the two lifelong friends are reunited. But Jordan didn’t expect the reunion to include another of Sister Helen’s charges—the boy he’d loved like a brother but who had pushed him away, Dane. The three orphans never thought their lives would amount to much, but finding their way back to each other is leading them to finding out who they truly are.
All paths converge when the fourteenth sphere, a celestial object with a power like no other, appears at the Met. The angels must keep it from falling into the wrong hands, and soon, the lines between good and evil blur as they find themselves fighting alongside Satan to prevent the unleashing of a dark and dangerous force hell-bent on taking them all down. But in this world, nothing is as it seems, and the mysterious sphere is possibly the least of their concerns…
Get ready for another adventure as the three friends, and the angels they now consider family, travel the globe in search of a way to save each other—and the world.
Day 7

Dane rubbed his eyes. "Do they—"
"Have wings?" I supplied. "Yes. Though now's—"
"Not the time," he finished. "I get it. 'Cause they look pissed."
He was right. They certainly did look pissed.
But we were finally safe, protected.
And in so much trouble.
Day 8

Excerpt :
"Watch your words, Brother." Satan sneered at him. "I wouldn't call them
moments of redemption. I'm simply following the only code I keep."
"Which is?"
"Kill for purpose, not for pleasure."
Day 9

They were a sight to see, all seven of them dressed in suits with somberness and stoicism plastered across their faces. Each of them knelt around the grave and bowed their heads, softly whispering a prayer in Latin. When they were done, their heads lifted in sync.
Gabriel reached out and touched the left side of the tombstone. "Rest in peace, our sister." Across from him, Michael did the same, placing his hand on the right sideof the tombstone.
"For we will avenge you."
Day 10

Author Q&A with author Sara M Schaller & @readers.blog_
Q: What inspired you to write this book?
A: I completely agree with the philosophy you should write the book you always wanted to read, and for me that is what drove me to write The Genesis of Seven. When I was younger, it seemed no matter where I looked, be it books or even movies, angels were always portrayed in a way that just did not agree with me. Either their stories were based on romances with humans, or they were pitted against each other with evil intents. Because of this, I wanted to give the angels a new narrative, one that portrayed them as a group, focused on their origin story, and described the circumstances that led to the ultimate battle of good vs. evil.
Q: What were the key challenges that you faced while writing this book?
A: The most challenging part about writing this story was the multiple points of view. I always knew this was how I wanted to write the books, but it was a lot easier to plan it than execute it. What was so difficult was trying to make each voice standout and be different from the others, while at the same time creating a cohesive narrative. Some characters were easier to write than others because they felt more natural. For instance, Jordan’s chapters are by far the easiest while Satan’s were the hardest.
Q: Is there a book or an author that influenced your writing?
A: Dante’s Divine Comedy and Milton’s Paradise Lost are two books that impact my writing significantly, particularly for this series and how I wish to portray my story and charcters.
Q: Can you share three fun facts about you?
A: Two nuns taught me to read during one very memorable summer. If I could only watch one movie for the rest of my life, it would be Pride & Prejudice. One thing on my bucket list is attending San Diego Comic Con and being in Hall H.
Q: Are you writing another book currently?
A: I am currently working on the last book in the series, and I’m planning for it to release next year.

About the author:
Sara M Schaller is a young adult author and publishing professional. She lives in Colorado and works at her local library. Sara likes to write stories for all ages in the fantasy genre, and her writing usually contains elements of speculative fiction and features a large cast of characters. Sara has a Bachelor's degree in English, Art History, and Religious Studies from the University of Denver, and a Master's degree in Publishing from Pace University.
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